Carmelo's is a TV show based on a real restaurant named Carmelo's Coat of Arms that is located in the picturesque village of Lewiston, NY. The show is about two main characters named Marco (fictional character) and Carmelo (fictional character played by the actual owner of Carmelo's Coat of Arms restaurant) who have been lifelong friends since the days of the friendly rivalry between their fathers' Italian restaurants.
Our story begins as Marco makes an unexpected visit to his hometown with his wife Samantha and his daughter Stella. He wastes no time catching up over dinner with his mother Maria and his best friend Carmelo. During dinner, Marco and Carmelo confide in each other the envy they feel about the other’s life choices, but they quickly come to the realization that they are both in a midlife funk. That is when they decide it's time to shake things up and hatch a plan to create a cooking show. However, before they begin, Carmelo wants to demonstrate the essence of cooking to Marco. Our journey begins as we see Carmelo, along with his staff of eccentric characters, show Marco what cooking means to him.
TV Pilot Premiere and Dinner
One of our goals for this show was to promote the restaurant by creating an experiential event. We went about this by having the premiere of the show at the restaurant, but in addition to the screening, our guests were entertained with a Q&A with the actors, live opera singing by Victor (played by Lee Stevens), and one of the most anticipated parts of the night, the four-course meal of dishes that were highlighted or discussed during the show. We were surprised by the demand, with the first screening selling out within the first two hours, which led us to have a second screening that ended up selling out within 24 hours.
Both nights were truly magical. Our guests enjoyed the show and sat down together in a family-style fashion to enjoy the delicious meal together as one big family.
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